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Harrell R. Rodgers - American Poverty In A New Era Of Reform (2005), Książki USA
Copyright © 2006 by M.E. Sharpe, Inc.All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced in any formwithout written permission from the publisher, M.E. Sharpe, Inc.,80 Business Park Drive, Armonk, New York 10504.Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication ...
Hannay Barbara - Harlequin Romans 857 - Cztery pory roku, CZYTADEŁKA, mix ROMANSE 300 stron ów
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Hakin9 (17) - 03.2006, ebooks, Języki programowania, hakin9 (KruPiX1)
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Haven of Darkness - E. C. Tubb, ebook, CALIBRE SFF 1970s, Temp 1
Scanned by Highroller.Proofed by the best ELF proofer.Made prettier by use of EBook Design Group Stylesheet.Haven of Darkness#16 in the Dumarest seriesE. C TubbChapter OneDelusia came unexpectedly so that she continued ridingtowards the north, forgetting the passage ...
Hans Chrystian Andersen - Co ojciec czyni, e-Booki, H. Ch. Andersen
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KARDELADOLF HITLER - FOUNDER OF ISRAELisrael in war with jewsellhn.E-E-E.GR2 A hardocover edition of this book was originally printed by a Publisher of Marva, 1211 Genf, Case 254, Switzerland, © Copyright 1974 Kardel ISBN 3 85800 001 9 Translated by the Oficyna ...
Harary, EBooki
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"Hańba domowa" - Jacek TrznadelWYPLUĆ Z SIEBIE WSZYSTKORozmowa ze Zbigniewem Herbertem (9 lipca 1985)TRZNADEL - Rozmawiamy 9 lipca 1985 roku.HERBERT - ... po Chrystusie. Rozmowa ma dotyczyć tego okresu, o którym nie lubię mówić, którego nie lubię wspominać. ...
Hacking Ian - Les Mots et les choses Forty years on, Filozofia Umysłu
Mots et les choses, 40 years on1Les Mots et les choses, forty years onIan Hacking, Collège de FranceFor Humanities Center, Columbia University, 6th October 20051 1966Les Mots et les Choses, une archéologie des sciences humaines was an instant success when it was published in April, 1966, sold out in 90 days. Everyone was talking about the famous final paragraph about the erasure of Man, and a sentence shocking to Parisian eyes, namely ‘Marxism swam in 19th century thought like a fish in the water’. L’Express, France’s simulacrum to Time magazine, billed it as the greatest revolution in philosophy since existentialism [23 May 1966]. For a good sense of one way that Foucault saw his book just after it was published, look at an interview for La quinzaine littéraire, 16 May 1966. [‘Entretien avec Madeleine Chapsal’, Dits et écrits, 2 vol. edn., vol. 1, 541546.] He is a member, he told the interviewer, of the generation who were not yet 20 during the war. (He himself was 13 when it began and 18 when France was liberated.) Much as that generation admired Sartre’s courage and generosity, his passion for life, politics, and existence, he said, ‘we, we have discovered something else, another passion: the passion of the concept and for what I call the “system”.’ [p. 542.] As far as grand and overstated themes go, we find them in this interview: ‘Our present task is to liberate ourselves definitively from humanism, and, in this sense, our work is political.’ Political? Yes, for in Foucault’s view, ‘all the regimes of East and West market their evil wares under the flag of humanism.’ [p. 544.] Remember those were the days when Mots et les choses, 40 years on2Teilhard de Chardin was a big thing, and when Foucault could praise ‘Althusser and his courageous companions battling against “chardinomarxism”.’ [p. 544.] But note also his denunciation of ‘the monolingual narcissism of the French’ for thinking that they have just discovered a new set of problems, when in fact the field of research that so engaged young French intellectuals had emerged in America, England and France just after the first world war, when ideas were coming in from the German and Slavicspeaking lands. France has been called the Hexagon by the French ever since their boundaries became roughly hexagonal. We have such hexagonal minds, Foucault continued by saying, that De Gaulle passes among us for an intellectual. Forty years. A few months ago in Paris I organized, as an act of local piety, what turned out to be a very lively commemoration of a book published sixty years ago, MerleauPonty’s Phenomenology of Perception. That remains a great book. Since I own up to having been a fan of JeanPaul Sartre ever since I first read the man at the age of 18, I may be allowed to say that the Phenomenology is far more interesting philosophy than anything Sartre wrote. But what an amazing time span is twenty years. The cultural and conceptual gulf between the Phenomenology and The Order of Things is total. It was not only this book that came on the scene. Daniel Defert observes in the absolutely terrific 90 page Chronologie which introduces his collection of Michel Foucault’s Dits et écrits, that ‘1966 is one of the great vintage years (grands crus) of French human sciences: Lacan, LéviStrauss, Benveniste, Genette, Greimas, Doubrovsky, Todorov and Barthes published some of their most important texts.’ [ Vol. 1, p. 37, entry for June 1966.] Some new generation. Mots et les choses, 40 years on32 1970 The intended title of Les Mots et les choses was L’Ordre des choses, but that could not be used because it had served as the title of one recent and one less recent book by other authors. Hence the English translation of 1970, The Order of Things: An Archaeology of the Human Sciences was the right title. It had a more mixed reception when it was published in 1970 by the Tavistock Press, than the French book had in 1966. My own response was unequivocal. I bought my third hardcover copy within the year. On the flyleaf I wrote, This is my third copy after losing 2. Please return; I don’t want to buy a 4th @ £4.60 a time! So evidently my copies were being loaned around. The book enabled me to do philosophy in what was, for me, a new way. This does not mean that I quit doing philosophy in old ways, but that I started also to do something different. The Archaeology of Knowledge came out in English in 1972, and I wrote it up immediately in the weekly Cambridge Review – so hastily that I, the editors, and the printers all left out the ‘a’ in the middle of ‘Archaeology’, thereby making it look like a French word that had lost its accent. In the early seventies, I gave as lectures what was to be published as, Why Does Language Matter to Philosophy? There are some signs there, but not too many, of having read Foucault. In the spring of 1974 I gave a course of lectures about some of Foucault’s work. A colleague is reported to have told a visitor, ‘if you wonder why the bookshops have copies of Foucault in their front windows, it is all Hacking’s fault’. That spring, or the previous autumn, I gave lectures on what was to become The Emergence of Probability, published in 1975. If you were unkind, you might call that book The Order of Things, the Mots et les choses, 40 years on4footnote. But it is a footnote only to some early parts of Les Mots et les choses, Foucault’s discussion of the radical transition from the Renaissance doctrine of similitudes to the formal structures of representation. Representation, Foucault taught, is characteristic of what in English we call, or used to call, the Age of Reason, and what he called for his French readers, the Classical age, namely the Cartesian era when French thought and the French language became world thought and a world language. Emergence said nothing relevant to the second great mutation described by Foucault, the transition from representation to history. Maybe Foucault himself had begun with the conception that I got from the book, for he said he was writing ‘his book about signs’. That is according to Daniel Defert, [D&é, I, p. 34], who says that the first composition of the book about signs was finished in Tunisia over Christmas 1964. But in a letter of 13 February, 1965, Foucault realized that his book had changed: ‘I’ve not been talking about signs but about order’.I myself did not even want to think about what most impressed people about his book, namely its final marvellous paragraph announcing the incipient erasure of Man as an object of knowledge or a topic of discourse. I did not want to think about it because it seemed to me to be a mistake. My talk today should perhaps be called not, ‘Les Mots et les choses, forty years on’, but ‘The Order of Things, thirtyfive years later’. Today, 35 years after I read the book and reacted negatively to the endofMan thesis, I shall try to say what the mistake was. It is not a very exciting mistake, and I am sure others have pointed to the problem long ago. But first I would like to say a little about the preceding, lesser, blockbuster, the book on madness. My last personal remark in this overly Mots et les choses, 40 years on5personal introduction is that I was given the English abridgement, Madness and Civilization: A History of Insanity in the Age of Reason, while I was working in Uganda, probably early 1968, but maybe late 1967, the year in which it was first published in London by the Tavistock Press. I was bowled over by it, and thus was primed for the larger blockbuster, archaeology in full spate. By the way, the Tavistock Press, which I have now mentioned twice, was the publishing arm of Tavistock House, a venerable London institution for psychotherapy, hospitable to new ideas, and which was then a base for the antipsychiatry movement. I had intended to talk today in some detail about the structure of the last few chapters of The Order of Things, but gradually my plan changed. I shall say more about the earlier big book about madness, published in 1961.3 The timing of Folie et DéraisonThe big book, as I shall continue to call it, was published in 1961. The French wars of the 1950s in Vietnam and Algeria had been lost, and the Republic had put them behind it. The sixties were the most fertile decade of French intellectual life in the twentieth century. In addition to the list of names cited by Defert, we recall that during that decade Gilles Deleuze published seven of his books, and Jacques Derrida established himself. Foucault’s work on madness was one of the first flowerings of this unique decade.1961 also marks the critical rethinking of madness in the English speaking world. There was the polemical assault on psychiatry by Thomas Szasz, The Myth of Mental Illness. Erving Goffman, one of the greatest of sociologists, published Asylums,
Haldeman, ebook, CALIBRE SFF 1970s, Temp 1
BLOOD BROTHERSSmiling, bowing as the guests leave. A good luncheon, much reassuring talk from the gentry assembled: the economy of Sanctuary is basically sound. Thank you, my new cook ... he's from Twand, isn't he a marvel? The host appears to be rather more in need of a new ...
Hakin9 (68) - 01.2011, ebooks, Języki programowania, hakin9 (KruPiX1)
!TUL0+V.0W0V01X6+00,0(;8?Y+*6+-,85M*0(-<@Z Z"&#U&[\@T!##!\#\T!\#\]!@#!%]$%TU!!#$%&(*+,-.0*+,3-+556*850(*9:(-8;+*(0<>>>@=ABCCD EFAGHI!J=K-+(-L;+*0MN"?AAPAQGRQGS=?@==CDEˆ˜!"#%&"() ...
Hardshell - Dean R. Koontz, ebook, CALIBRE SFF 1970s, Temp 1
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Harrison Harry - Planeta Przeklętych, ebooki
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Harris Robert-Vaterland, j. LITERATURA POWSZECHNA
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Haldeman, książki, po angielsku, h
BBOriginally published in ANALOG, September, 1983.Copyright © 1983 by Jack C. Haldeman II.WE, THE PEOPLEbyJack C. Haldeman IIThe eggs were just the way he liked them. Mark ate slowly, enjoying theluxury of a leisurely breakfast. Outside his window the city was beginning ...
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Hakin9 (36) - 04.2008, ebooks, Języki programowania, hakin9 (KruPiX1)
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Hagena Katharina - Der Geschmack von Apfelkern ebook Smak pestek jabłek, E-Books Deutsche Bucher (Niemieckie książki)
Katharina Hagena Der Geschmack von Apfelkernen Roman Kiepenheuer & Witsch 4. Auflage 2008 © 2008 by Verlag Kiepenheuer & Witsch, Köln Alle Rechte vorbehalten. Kein Teil des Werkes darf in irgendeiner Form (durch Fotografie, Mikrofilm oder ein anderes Verfahren) ohne schriftliche Genehmigung des Verlages reproduziert oder unter Verwendung elektronischer Systeme verarbeitet, vervielfältigt oder verbreitet werden. Umschlaggestaltung: Barbara Thoben, Köln Umschlagmotiv: © akg‐images Autorenfoto:© Henrik Spohler Gesetzt aus der Bembo Satz: hanseatenSatz‐bremen, Bremen Druck und Bindearbeiten: GGF Media GmbH, Pößneck ISBN 978‐3‐462‐03970‐2 Für Christof
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