Harry Oulton - A Pig Called Heather (retail) (), Ebooks (various), 2015 Best Ebooks
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//-->A PigCalledHeatherHarry O u lt O nµHoliday House / New YorkFor CurlyCopyright © 2013 by Harry OultonAll Rights Reserved.First published in 2013 in the United Kingdom by Templar Publishing, DorkingFirst published in the United States of America in 2015 by Holiday House, New YorkHOLIDAY HOUSE is registered in the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office.www.holidayhouse.comISBN 978-0-8234-3376-6 (ebook)wISBN 978-0-8234-3377-3 (ebook)rLibrary of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication DataOulton, Harry.A pig called Heather / by Harry Oulton. — First American edition.pages cm“First published in 2013 in the United Kingdom by Templar Publishing, Dorking.”Summary: “When Heather the pig’s best human friend, Isla, must leave the farm forLondon, Heather sets out on a quest to find her”— Provided by publisher.ISBN 978-0-8234-3290-5 (hardcover)[1. Human-animal relationships—Fiction. 2. Pigs—Fiction. 3. Farm life—England—Fiction. 4. Voyages and travels—Fiction. 5. England—Fiction.] I. Title.PZ7.O904[Fic]—dc232014022690Chapter 1Hats& CarrotsµWhen the pig called Heather woke up after lunch, the firstthing she thought was that she had absolutely nothing to do.That was good—doing nothing was one of her best things, andalso one of the things she did best. So while she thought aboutdoing nothing and how nice it was going to be, it occurred toher that doing nothing might be even nicer if you could thinkabout nothing while you were doing it.She went and found her best friends, Rhona, the goat, andAlastair, the sheepdog.“I’m off to the field.”“What for?” asked Rhona.“No reason,” replied the pig.“What are you going to do?”“Nothing.”1“Nothing?”“That’s right. Nothing.”“Can we come?”“I’d rather you didn’t. It’s easier to do nothing if you’re onyour own. I’m going to try and think about nothing as well.”Of course, if you’ve ever tried to think about nothing, you’llknow it isn’t really possible, mainly because the moment youthink you’re thinking about nothing you realize that you are infact thinking about something, even though that something isnothing. And that’s exactly what Heather was thinking whentwo brand-new thoughts barged into her head like envelopesthrough a mailbox.Isla, and the shiny thing.Isla was her best friend. Always had been. Best two-leggedfriend, that is. Heather could remember when Isla’s mum waswalking around with a huge tummy telling them all she wasgoing to have a baby. Then Isla was born and was soon zoom-ing around the farmyard on her bottom, wearing diapers andeating mud. She learned to stand by using Heather’s tail topull herself up and then wobbling, one jammy hand on Heath-er’s back and a triumphant grin on her face. She’d spent hoursmaking Heather kneel down, like a camel, so that she couldclimb on her back and parade around the farmyard. Her firstday at school, her panic when her first tooth fell out, her shoutof triumph when she finally managed to climb the tree by theruin, and her yelp of alarm as she fell off it.There were bad memories too. In particular, the awful2
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