Hammer Espen - Philosophy And Temporality From Kant To Critical Theory, Ebooks (various), Philosophy

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Ph i l o s oPh y a n d T e m P or a l i T y
from KanT To CriTiCal Theory
This book is a critical analysis of how key philosophers in the european
tradition have responded to the emergence of a modern conception
of temporality. espen hammer suggests that it is a feature of Western
modernity that time has been forcibly separated from the natural cycles
and processes with which it used to be associated. in a discussion that
ranges over Kant, hegel, schopenhauer, nietzsche, heidegger, and
adorno, he examines the forms of dissatisfaction which result from this,
together with narrative modes of coniguring time, the relationship
between agency and temporality, and possible challenges to the modern
world’s linear and homogenous experience of time. his study is a rich
exploration of an enduring philosophical theme: the role of temporality
in shaping and reshaping modern human affairs.
espen hammer is Professor of Philosophy at Temple University,
Philadelphia. he is the author of
Stanley Cavell: Skepticism, Subjectivity, and
the Ordinary
) and
Adorno and the Political
(2005), and the editor of
German Idealism: Contemporary Perspectives
modern eUroPean PhilosoPhy
General Editor
Wayne marTin,
University of Essex
Advisory Board
seBasTian Gardner,
University College, London
BeaTriCe han-Pile,
University of Essex
hans slUGa,
University of California, Berkeley
Some recent titles
frederick a. olafson:
Heidegger and the Ground of Ethics
Günter Zöller:
Fichte’s Transcendental Philosophy
Warren Breckman:
Marx, the Young Hegelians, and the
Origins of Radical Social Theory
William Blattner:
Heidegger’s Temporal Idealism
Charles Griswold:
Adam Smith and the Virtues of Enlightenment
Gary Gutting:
Pragmatic Liberalism and the Critique of Modernity
allen Wood:
Kant’s Ethical Thought
Karl ameriks:
Kant and the Fate of Autonomy
alfredo ferrarin:
Hegel and Aristotle
Cristina lafont:
Heidegger, Language, and World-Disclosure
nicholas Wolterstorff:
Thomas Reid and the Story of Epistemology
daniel dahlstrom:
Heidegger’s Concept of Truth
michelle Grier:
Kant’s Doctrine of Transcendental Illusion
henry allison:
Kant’s Theory of Taste
allen speight:
Hegel, Literature, and the Problem of Agency
m. Be
rnstein :
Hegel, Nietzsche, and Philosophy
Taylor Carman:
eidegger’s Analytic
he Philosophy and Politics of Bruno Bauer
ger Bubner:
e Innovations of Idealism
ierkegaard’s Relations to Hegel Reconsidered
michael Quante:
Hegel’s Concept of Action
Wolfgang detel:
Foucault and Classical Antiquity
m. Wa
egel’s Philosophy of Reality, Freedom, and God
oucault on Freedom
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